GET /profile
Gets the Club OS user profile based on the given userId. If you don't know the userId, try using /emailmatch or /usermatch
GET https://api.club-os.com/profile?userId=[userId]
The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.
Variable | Type | Description |
userId | String | The userId to match against |
Success Response
If successful, you will be returned a UserProfile object containing the following:
Property | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The Club OS unique user id. |
billingSystemId | String | The billing system unique user id (integrated clubs only). |
role | String | The Club OS role of the user, i.e. "Member" or "Prospect". |
firstName | String | The first name of the user. |
lastName | String | The last name of the user. |
String | The email of the user. | |
mobilePhone | String | The mobile phone of the user. |
homePhone | String | The home phone of the user. |
workPhone | String | The work phone of the user. |
dateOfBirth | Date | The date of birth of the user. |
gender | String | M or F, the gender of the user. |
createdDate | DateTime | The UTC timestamp when the user was first created in the Club OS system. |
guestPassStart | Date | The guest pass start date. |
guestPassEnd | Date | The guest pass end date. |
addressLine1 | String | The user's address line 1. |
addressLine2 | String | The user's address line 2. |
city | String | The user's city. |
state | String | The user's state (2 letter abbreviation) |
country | String | The user's country (2 letter abbreviation) |
origin | String | The user's origin (how they first contacted the club). |
marketingSource | String | The marketing source of the user (how they heard about the club). |
workoutGoalPerWeek | Integer | The number of workouts this user plans on doing per week. |
startWeight | Decimal | The starting weight of the user. |
goalWeight | Decimal | The goal weight of the user. |
followUpStatus | String | The current follow up status of the user. |
nextFollowUpDate | Date | The next scheduled follow up date for the user. |
interests | String[] | The list of interests this user has selected in Club OS. |
trainers | Employee[] | The list of trainers assigned to this member. |
pitches | Pitch[] | The list of pitches this user has in their profile. A pitch will contain all the information captured during the pitch, and a timestamp for each pitch. |
Pitch.id | Integer | The id of the pitch |
Pitch.tfoUserId | Integer | The Club OS userId of the user who the pitch was performed. |
Pitch.locationId | Integer | The Club OS locationId |
Pitch.pitchData | Json | Json object containing all the data captured in the pitch |
Pitch.pitchType | String | The type of pitch |
Pitch.startDateTime | Date | The date and time that the pitch begun. |
Pitch.endDateTime | Date | The date and time that the pitch ended. |
Pitch.createdBy | Integer | The Club OS userId of the user (employee) who performed the pitch |
Pitch.createdDateTime | Date | The timestamp that the pitch was created. |
Failure Response
If your request fails, you will receive a Response object containing the following:
Property | Type | Description |
status | Boolean | Will always be false. |
responses | ResponseMessage[] | An array of ResponseMessage objects describing the error. |
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