

GET /usermatch

Gets the Club OS unique id for a member given the userId from one of Club OS's integrated systems. 

GET https://api.club-os.com/usermatch?systemCode[systemCode]&userId=[userId]


The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.


The code of the system you wish to access. Get these codes from your Club OS developer contact.

userIdStringThe system userId to match against.
Success Response

If successful, you will be returned a UserResponse object containing the following:

idIntegerThe Club OS unique user id.
firstNameStringThe first name of the user.
lastNameStringThe last name of the user.
emailStringThe email of the user.
roleStringThe Club OS role of the user (Client, Trainer, ect..)
Failure Response

If your request fails, you will receive a Response object containing the following:

statusBooleanWill always be false.
responsesResponseMessage[]An array of ResponseMessage objects describing the error.