

GET /access/locations

Gets the list of locations that your account can access.

GET https://api.club-os.com/access/locations

Success Response

If successful, you will be returned a Location objects containing the following:

idIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the location.
nameStringThe name of the location.
systemIdStringThe member management / billing system ID for the location.
Failure Response

If your request fails, you will receive a Response object containing the following:

statusBooleanWill always be false.
responsesResponseMessage[]An array of ResponseMessage objects describing the error.

GET /access/services

Gets the list of service endpoints that your account can access.

GET https://api.club-os.com/access/services

Success Response

If successful, you will be returned a Strings containing the following:

Endpoint NameStringThe URL of the endpoint.
Failure Response

If your request fails, you will receive a Response object containing the following:

statusBooleanWill always be false.
responsesResponseMessage[]An array of ResponseMessage objects describing the error.

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