Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
firstName | String | Y | Prospect first name. | |
lastName | String | Y | Prospect last name. | |
String | C | Prospect email address. Email or 1 phone number is required. | ||
gender | String | N | M | 'M' for male, 'F' for female. |
birthDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | Prospect date of birth. | |
guestPassStart | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The start date of the prospect's guest pass. | |
guestPassEnd | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The end date of the prospect's guest pass. | |
homePhone | String | C | Prospect home phone number with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required. | |
workPhone | String | C | Prospect work phone number. Email number with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required. | |
mobilePhone | String | C | Prospect mobile phone number . Email with no formatting (e.g. 5555555555). Email or 1 phone number is required. | |
address1 | String | N | Prospect address line 1. | |
address2 | String | N | Prospect address line 2. | |
city | String | N | Prospect full city. | |
state | String | N | Prospect 2 letter state code, i.e. PA for Pennsylvania. | |
zip | String | N | Prospect zip code. | |
source | String | N | The marketing source of the prospect, i.e. tv ad, mailer, internet, etc. | |
interests | String[] | N | Array of Strings that should match the interests in your Club OS account. Ideal for content marketing. Example: ["Personal Training","Smoothies","Tanning"] | |
notes | String | N | Optional notes about the prospect. | |
salespersonId | Integer | N | The Club OS unique ID for the salesperson of the prospect being added. This salesperson will be assigned for the prospect's follow-up. | |
barcode | String | N | The barcode of the prospect | |
billingSystemId | String | N | The id of the prospect that was created by the integrated billing system. | |
sendCampaignResponseEmail | Boolean | N | false | Send a campaign response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club is setup to receive these within Club OS. |
sendWebleadResponseEmail | Boolean | N | false | Send a Weblead response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club has this email configured within Club OS. |
sendPresaleResponseEmail | Boolean | N | false | Send a Presale response email to this prospect. Only applies if the club has this email configured within Club OS. |
dontPushToBillingSystem | Boolean | N | false | If set to true, Club OS will not sync this prospect to the integrated billing system. |
ignorePhoneNumberMatching | Boolean | N | false | If true, phone numbers will not be used to lookup an existing prospect. |
smsOptOut | Boolean | N | false | If true, the prospect will be opted out of text messages. |
emailOptOut | Boolean | N | false | If true, the prospect will be opted out of email. |
walkIn | Boolean | N | If true, the prospect will be created with an origin of walk-in. |