GET /memberships
Verifies that the given membershipId exists in Club OS and you have access to it.
Variable | Type | Description |
clubLocationId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you. |
membershipId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the membership you are requesting. |
POST /memberships
Add a user to the system.
Request Body
The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request.
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
role | String | Y | One of 'member', 'trainer', 'salesperson'. | |
fullAccount | Boolean | Y | false | Club OS has 2 types of member accounts, Full and Basic. Full means they get access to both nutrition and/or workout features based on the club's service plan. false - Make the member a Basic account. true - Make the member full account. |
trainerId | Integer | N | The Club OS unique id for the trainer of the user being added or updated. | |
salespersonId | Integer | N | The Club OS unique id for the salesperson of the user being added or updated (applies to members only). | |
templateUsername | String | N | The username of the template account that should be applied to the user (applies to members only). | |
localUserId | String | Y | Your systems unique id for the user. | |
firstName | String | Y | User first name. | |
lastName | String | N | User last name. | |
String | Y | Email address of the user. | ||
gender | String | Y | 'M' for male, 'F' for female. | |
birthdate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | User date of birth. | |
joinDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The date the User joined the club. | |
homePhone | String | N | User home phone number. | |
workPhone | String | N | User work phone number. | |
mobilePhone | String | N | User mobile phone number. | |
address1 | String | N | User address line 1. | |
address2 | String | N | User address line 2. | |
city | String | N | User full city. | |
state | String | N | User 2 letter state code, i.e. PA for Pennsylvania. | |
zip | String | N | User zip code. |
PUT /users
Update a users account type
Request Body
The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request.
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
userId | Integer | Y | The Club OS unique id for the member to update | |
fullAccount | Boolean | Y | false | Club OS has 2 types of member accounts, Full and Basic. Full means they get access to both nutrition and/or workout features based on the club's service plan. false - Make the member a Basic account. true - Make the member full account. |