

GET /payments

Verifies that the given paymentId exists in Club OS and you have access to it.  

GET https://api.club-os.com/payments?clubLocationId=[clubLocationId]&paymentId=[paymentId]


The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.


clubLocationIdIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
paymentIdIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the payment you are requesting.

POST /payments

Add a payment to the system.

POST https://api.club-os.com/payments?clubLocationId=[clubLocationId]


The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.

clubLocationIdIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
Request Body

The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string.

memberIdIntegerY The Club OS unique id for the member who made the payment.
salespersonIdIntegerN The Club OS unique id for the salesperson who was responsible for the payment.
transactionIdStringY A reference to the transactionId for this payment / invoice.
lineItemIdStringN A reference to the line item Id within the transaction.
clubServiceIdIntegerN The Club OS unique id for the club service that is being paid for. Use the /clubservices to get this id. Not required.
nameStringN The descriptive name of the product or service, i.e. 'Group Training', '30 Min Sessions', 'Multi-Vitamin'. Only required if no clubServiceId is used.
qtyDecimalY The qty purchased.
unitPriceDecimalY The unit price (cost of 1 item) of the product or service.
upcStringN The UPC for the product or service that was purchased.
taxesDecimalN The amount of taxes on the payment.
saleDateDate (M-d-YYYY)Y The date of the sale.
expireDateDate (M-d-YYYY)N The expiration date if one exists.
Response Messages

One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.

Payment CreatedPayment successfully created.
Payment FoundPayment exists in the system already.


POST /payments/batch

Add multiple payments to the system.

POST https://api.club-os.com/payments/batch

This method works identical to the above method, but the request body needs to be an array of payments, rather than a single payment, and a clubLocationId value must be specified for each payment.  Use this to submit multiple transactions at once.

Note, if any payments in the batch fail, the entire batch will fail.  Validation errors will be returned for the first invalid payment.


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