GET /memberships
Verifies that the given membershipId exists in Club OS and you have access to it.
GET http[clubLocationId]&membershipId=[membershipId]
The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.
Variable | Type | Description |
clubLocationId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you. |
membershipId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the membership you are requesting. |
POST /memberships
Add a user membership to the system.
POST http[clubLocationId]
The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.
Variable | Type | Description |
clubLocationId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you. |
Request Body
The following fields must be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string.
Note: If the membership being added belongs to a Club OS lead account and the status is true, then the lead will be converted to a member on a successful request.
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description |
memberId | Integer | Y | The Club OS unique id for the member who bought the membership. | |
salespersonId | Integer | N | The Club OS unique id for the salesperson who sold the membership. If null, the default sales support account will be used. | |
localMembershipId | String | Y | Your systems unique id for the membership. | |
status | Boolean | Y | false | true - the membership is active and the customer is caught up on payments. false - the membership is inactive due to deliquent billing, membership cancellation, etc. |
autoRenew | Boolean | Y | false | true - membership auto-renews. false - membership does not auto-renew. |
startDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | Y | The effective start date of the membership. | |
endDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The end date of the membership if one exists. | |
saleDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | Y | The date of the sale. | |
name | String | Y | The name of the membership, i.e. 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Platinum' | |
paidOnSale | Decimal | Y | The amount paid on the saleDate, or the date the membership was purchased. | |
downPaymentName | String | NC | The name of the down payment, i.e. 'Initiation Fee', or 'First Month Fee'. Required if the downPaymentSubtotal is included in the request. | |
downPaymentSubtotal | Decimal | NC | The amount of the down payment without taxes. Required if no recurPaymentSubtotal. | |
downPaymentTaxes | Decimal | N | The amount of taxes on the down payment. | |
recurPaymentName | String | NC | The name of the recurring payment, i.e. 'Membership Dues'. Required if recurPaymentSubtotal is included in the request. | |
recurPaymentSubtotal | Decimal | NC | The amount of the recurring payment without taxes. Required if no downPaymentSubtotal. | |
recurPaymentTaxes | Decimal | N | The amount of taxes on the recurring payment. | |
recurType | String | N | monthly | One of 'monthly' or 'weekly'. |
trainerId | Integer | N | If the memberId is for a Club OS lead and the membership status is true, this is the Club OS unique id for the trainer who will be assigned to the lead account. | |
templateUsername | String | N | If the memberId is for a Club OS lead and the membership status is true, this is the username of a Club OS template to be applied to the lead account. | |
sendEmail | Boolean | N | false | If the memberId is for a Club OS lead and the membership status is true, this will send a welcome email to the lead account. |
username | String | N | The username of the new account (if lead converted). Default is to use email. | |
password | String | N | The password of the new account (if lead converted). Default will be auto-generated. |
Response Messages
One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.
Message | Description |
membership created | Membership successfully created. |
membership created and lead converted | Membership successfully updated and lead converted to member. |
membership exists | Membership exists already, use PUT method instead. |
Update a users account typePOST httpmembership in the system.
The following fields must be included as parameters in the URL of the request.
Variable | Type | Description |
clubLocationId | Integer | The Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you. |
Request Body
Any of the fields below may be included in the body of the HTTP request as a valid JSON string. Only fields included in the request will be updated. For example, if you only wanted to change the status of the membership, the JSON should be { membershipId: "clubOsMembershipId", status: "false"}.
Property | Type | Required | Default | Description | |||||
userIdmembershipId | Integer | Y | The Club OS unique id for the member to update | fullAccount | Boolean | Y | false | Club OS has 2 types of member accounts, Full and Basic. Full means they get access to both nutrition and/or workout features based on the club's service plan. false - Make the member a Basic account. true - Make the member full accountmembership to update. | |
salespersonId | Integer | N | The Club OS unique id for the salesperson who sold the membership. | ||||||
status | Boolean | N | true - the membership is active and the customer is caught up on payments. false - the membership is inactive due to deliquent billing, membership cancellation, etc. | ||||||
autoRenew | Boolean | N | true - membership auto-renews. false - membership does not auto-renew. | ||||||
startDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The effective start date of the membership. | ||||||
endDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The end date of the membership if one exists. | ||||||
saleDate | Date (M-d-YYYY) | N | The date of the sale. | ||||||
name | String | N | The name of the membership, i.e. 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Platinum' | ||||||
paidOnSale | Decimal | N | The amount paid on the saleDate, or the date the membership was purchased. | ||||||
downPaymentName | String | N | The name of the down payment, i.e. 'Initiation Fee', or 'First Month Fee' | ||||||
downPaymentSubtotal | Decimal | N | The amount of the down payment without taxes. | ||||||
downPaymentTaxes | Decimal | N | The amount of taxes on the down payment. | ||||||
recurPaymentName | String | N | The name of the recurring payment, i.e. 'Membership Dues'. | ||||||
recurPaymentSubtotal | Decimal | N | The amount of the recurring payment without taxes. | ||||||
recurPaymentTaxes | Decimal | N | The amount of taxes on the recurring payment. | ||||||
recurType | String | N | monthly | One of 'monthly' or 'weekly'. |
Response Messages
One of the following messages will be returned when the request succeeds.
Message | Description |
membership updated | Membership successfully updated. |
membership not found | Membership could not be found based on the given membershipId. |