Versions Compared


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clubLocationIdIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the club location you wish to access. Club OS will provide these to you.
membershipIdIntegerThe Club OS unique id for the membership you are requesting.

POST /memberships

Add a user membership to the system.



localMembershipIdStringY Your systems unique id for the membership.

true - the membership is active and the customer is caught up on payments.

false - the membership is inactive due to deliquent billing, membership cancellation, etc.


true - membership auto-renews.

false - membership does not auto-renew.

startDateDate (M-d-YYYY)Y The effective start date of the membership.
endDateDate (M-d-YYYY)N The end date of the membership if one exists.
saleDateDate (M-d-YYYY)Y The date of the sale.
nameStringY The name of the membership, i.e. 'Gold', 'Silver', 'Platinum'
downPaymentNameStringN The name of the down payment, i.e. 'Initiation Fee', or 'First Month Fee'
downPaymentSubtotalDecimalN The amount of the down payment without taxes.

The amount of taxes on the down payment.

recurPaymentNameStringN The name of the recurring payment, i.e. 'Membership Dues'.
recurPaymentSubtotalDecimalN The amount of the recurring payment without taxes.
recurPaymentTaxesDecimalN The amount of taxes on the recurring payment.




Update a users account typemembership's status.



userIdmembershipIdIntegerY The Club OS unique id for the member to update

Club OS has 2 types of member accounts, Full and Basic. Full means they get access to both nutrition and/or workout features based on the club's service plantrue - the membership is active and the customer is caught up on payments.

false - Make the member a Basic account.true - Make the member full accountthe membership is inactive due to deliquent billing, membership cancellation, etc.